Lysure H
Natural Source of Lysine

Lysure H

  • 100% Natural
  • Thermostable and Cost effective
  • 100% replacer of L-Lysine
  • Stable during pelleting of feed

Natural Alternative & its benefits

Lysure-H contains lysine in conjugated dipeptide and glycopeptide form and other lysine conjugates. The conjugation and encapsulation of the lysine and its conjugates within the micropores of phytosomes present in Lysure-H not only protect the integrity of lysine from forming interactable products by heat-induced Millard reaction, the system is also able to maintain the correct stereochemistry of lysine to optimize its bioactivity when ingested by birds and animals. Thus Lysure-H remains highly stable and bioactive and shows desired results. Lysure-H provides optimum lysine activity for proper protein accretion and other functions in poultry and animals so that they reach maximum growth and production performance potential.

The Need

Lysine is an essential amino acid and plays a major role in the growth and production performance of broilers, layer chicks, growers and layers as well as farm animals. Adequate dietary supplementation of lysine is essential for optimum carcass quality in broilers and egg weight in layer birds.

Heat applied during pelleting renders certain amino acids including synthetic lysine unavailable and even destroys them, thereby greatly reducing the nutritive value of feed. This happens due to high processing temperature, prolonged processing time or both. Adverse effects of high temperature pelleting result into decreased digestibility of synthetic lysine by about 60%.

Lysure-H developed from some specially selected plant materials with high lysine activity, harmoniously meets increased requirements of lysine in modern age poultry and livestock.

Lysure H
Lysure H


1 kg Lysure-H can replace 1 kg of synthetic L-lysine or as per the directions of the nutritionist
Lysure H
Lysure H
25kg poly laminated paper bags
Lysure H