Natural Calcitriol - Active Vitamin D3
Natural Calcitriol - Active Vitamin D3

Herbosure D3

  • Increases egg shell weight and strength | Reduce egg breakage
  • Sustains Laying for longer time
  • Very Cost effective Vitamin D3 alternative
  • 100% natural

Natural Alternative & its benefits

Herbosure D3 is a 100% natural supplement that provides 1,25(OH)2D3, the active form of vitamin D that is readily available to increase the intestinal absorption and bone mobilization of calcium. When supplemented with Herbosure D3, laying hens sustain laying for a longer period, with increased eggshell quality (more sellable eggs) and reduced mortality.

The Need

Maintaining the egg quality and the persistency of lay after the production peak in longer cycles are among the main challenges of today’s egg production. As the laying hen grows old, its capacity of absorbing calcium in the gut and mobilizing it from the bones is greatly reduced.Negative impacts of the reduced calcium retention in egg productivity include higher incidence of thin-shelled/damaged eggs and shell-less eggs. Besides, mortality rate is also increased, as a result of cage layer fatigue (osteoporosis) and chronic stress that leads to


The product must be administered orally, mixed with the feed
Layers @ 100 to 200 g/Ton of feed
Broiler @ 100 to 200 g/Ton of feed
Or as advised by a Veterinarian or Nutritionist
Cholisure H
Herbosure D3
25 kg HDPE coated paper bag
Herbosure D3