Achyranthus aspera - Cholisure H
Natural Choline Source

Cholisure H

  • Contains Choline in Conjugated Esterified Form
  • Same or better results at lower inclusion costs – better margin for premixer/feed manufacturer/farm.
  • Lipotropic agent – supplies Phosphatidyl choline, phospholipids, PUFAs
  • Free from TMA which is toxic in nature

Natural Alternative & its benefits

CHOLISURE-H is an efficient, safe & economical substitute to synthetic Choline chloride. It is scientifically developed from a combination of botanicals, which are rich in highly bio-available Choline.

CHOLISURE H is composed of Trachyspermum ammi, Achyranthus aspera, Citrullus colocynthis and other phytoactives in optimum proportion that contains various active compounds and Natural Choline in Conjugated form.

The Need

Synthetic Choline is very poorly absorbed from G.I. tract and hence less bioavailable. It is converted into Tri Methyl Amine (TMA) in the body, which is toxic. Obnoxious smell (fishy) of choline chloride is a matter of practical concern in processing units and feed mills. Corrosive nature of choline chloride induces mechanical damage to intestinal epithelium.

CHOLISURE H is a natural choline supplement which Provide optimum health & productivity. It Improves energy metabolism and controls fatty liver syndrome. It helps in Maintains vitamin quality in feed and premixes, Optimizes health and livability and Maintains carcass quality & carcass yield.


Broilers: 250 to 400 g/tonne of feed
Layers: 150 to 300 g/tonne of feed
Pigs: 100 to 400 g/tonne of feed
Turkeys: 200 to 400 g/tonne of feed
Ruminants :  150 to 250 g/tonne of feed
Cholisure H
Cholisure H
25 Kg poly laminated paper bag
Cholisure H