Poultry, Veesure Natural

Respisure H – Natural Solution for Poultry Respiratory Health

Respisure H - Natural Solution for Poultry Respiratory Health

In the competitive and demanding world of poultry farming, maintaining the health and well-being of birds is crucial. Respiratory diseases, often caused by bacterial and viral agents, pose a significant threat to the poultry industry, leading to economic losses and raising concerns about drug residues in poultry products. In response to these challenges, Veesure Naturals presents Respisure H, a natural, essential oil-based growth promoter tailored to provide poultry with effective respiratory support.

Understanding Respisure-H

Respisure-H is a water-soluble concentrate derived from essential oils of botanical origin, including Eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil, camphor and thyme oil. These essential oils are carefully selected for their bronchodilator and expectorant properties, making Respisure-H a valuable supportive therapy for treating respiratory diseases such as Chronic Respiratory Disease (CRD) and Coryza. Additionally, the product aids in optimizing the functioning of the respiratory organs, promoting relaxation in birds and allowing for normal feed intake, ultimately resulting in improved performance.

Beyond its bronchodilator and expectorant properties, Respisure-H demonstrates antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory activities within the respiratory tract and beyond. As an immunomodulator, it stimulates and boosts the immune response, enhancing both cellular and humoral immunity, thereby fortifying the birds’ defenses against respiratory challenges.

The combination of eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil, camphor, and thyme oil in Respisure-H serves vital roles in supporting poultry respiratory health:

Eucalyptus Oil: Known for its bronchodilator properties, eucalyptus oil helps to dilate the bronchioles, allowing improved airflow to the lungs. It also possesses expectorant qualities, aiding in the expulsion of mucus, which can be especially beneficial in respiratory conditions.

Peppermint Oil: With its natural cooling and soothing properties, peppermint oil helps to relax the airways and reduce inflammation, contributing to improved breathing. Its expectorant effects assist in clearing the respiratory tract, promoting clearer air passages for the birds.

Camphor: Camphor has been recognized for its bronchodilator properties, helping to widen the air passages in the lungs. This facilitates easier breathing and can be particularly helpful in addressing respiratory distress or conditions.

Thyme Oil: Thyme oil is esteemed for its antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties. It aids in combating respiratory infections, reducing inflammation in the respiratory system, and supporting overall immune function.

Key Benefits of Respisure-H

  1. No Residues, No Drug Resistance: Unlike conventional antimicrobial agents, Respisure-H does not leave any residues in meat or eggs, addressing human concerns about drug residues in food. Moreover, by utilizing natural ingredients, it helps reduce the risk of developing drug-resistant bacteria.
  2. Immune Modulator: Respisure-H acts as an immunomodulator, stimulating and boosting both cellular and humoral immune responses in birds. Strengthening the immune system enhances their ability to combat respiratory diseases effectively.
  3. Natural Bronchodilator and Expectorant: The essential oils present in Respisure-H possess bronchodilator and expectorant properties, aiding in the clearance of respiratory secretions and effectively opening up the airways. This promotes better breathing and overall respiratory health.
  4. Antibacterial, Antiviral, and Anti-inflammatory Activities: Respisure-H exhibits remarkable antibacterial and antiviral properties, helping combat pathogens that cause respiratory infections. Additionally, its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce inflammation within the respiratory tract, facilitating a faster recovery.

At Veesure Naturals, we are dedicated to contributing to the global presence of natural and sustainable solutions for animal health and nutrition. With Respisure-H and our range of natural feed additives and supplements, we are empowering the poultry, swine, ruminant, and aqua industries to achieve optimal health and performance in a natural and sustainable way. Join us in revolutionizing animal health with the power of nature.